Gambling Treatment Oregon
Whether you want to be referred to a free treatment program, want immediate counseling or just want someone to talk to about how gambling is affecting you or someone you know, call the Problem Gambling Help Line at 1-877-MY-LIMIT (1-877-695-4648) or chat online with a certified gambling counselor at (Monday – Friday, 9:00. . The Lincoln County Problem Gambling Treatment Program (541) 265-4196 (Mon-Fri 8 a.m. 5 p.m.). Oregon Problem Gambling Resource at 1-877-My-Limit or (available 24 hours a day). There are approximately 46 providers throughout the state of Oregon providing FREE, state-funded, confidential gambling treatment to Oregon residents and their families or friends. All counselors are trained and certified in gambling addiction. The ECPG Website is designed to provide information on education and treatment programs and services created and/or administered by the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling. ECPG is a private, not-for-profit organization offering programs and services for problem and compulsive gambling in Washington and throughout the Pacific Northwest.
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- Gambling Treatment Oregon
A Journey of Hope
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Brian's Testimonial
What to Expect
When you call, a certified gambling addiction counselor will listen, educate, answer questions, and refer you to a free and confidential treatment services.
There are approximately 46 providers throughout the state of Oregon providing FREE, state-funded, confidential gambling treatment to Oregon residents and their families or friends. All counselors are trained and certified in gambling addiction.

- Question 1 out of 20
You are Low Risk
Your score places you in the 'Low-Risk Gambler' category.
A person in this score range experienced one to two minor problems related to their gambling.
If you answered “yes” to seven or more of these questions, it could be indicative of a serious gambling problem.
You can always call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.
You are Medium Risk
Your score places you in the 'Medium-Risk Gambler' category
A person in this score range indicates a level of risk that should be further explored.
You can always call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.
You are High Risk
A person in this score range indicates a problem with gambling. Contact the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor to further examine your gambling behavior and its consequences. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.
REMINDER: Self-assessment can help you figure out if there is a issue with gambling, but only a professional can diagnose if it is a gambling problem, a different problem, or both.
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Myth or fact?
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Gambling Treatment Oregon City
Gambling Addiction Treatment Oregon
Myth or fact?
Myth or fact?
Myth or fact?
Myth or fact?
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About Us
Gambling Treatment In Oregon

The Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline was established in 2001 and receives about 1000 calls each year. Trained professional staff members are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to listen, educate, answer questions, and refer people to free confidential treatment services.
If you (or someone you know) are gambling too much, you can call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents.
Call the Helpline 1-877-695-4648 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and speak with someone who can get you to the help you may need. Or text 503-713-6000 between the hours of 8am and 9pm M-F.
Gambling Treatment Oregon
You are not alone. There is help, there is hope, and there is a way to get your life back on track.