Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules
Omaha Poker Overview
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules And Regulations
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Regulations
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Poker
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Today
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules List
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Against
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules 2019
Omaha is like Texas Hold'em. Each player receives four cards dealt face down. These cards are also called pocket cards. Like in Texas Hold'em, five cards are dealt face up on the table. The players can make combinations using only two of their four pocket cards and three of five common cards on the table.
The Basic Rules of Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) Omaha is a poker variant in which each player is dealt four “hole” cards (cards that the other players can’t see) and then share a five card board. It is similar to Hold’em in its play, with flop, turn, and river cards dealt in succession on the board, interspersed with betting rounds. Part of the 'How to' series where I'll give the basics and some pointers on how to play all the different poker variants.Check out my Full Contact Poker Podc. Pot Limit, No Limit, Fixed Limit Omaha. Omaha rules remain the same for Fixed Limit, No Limit and Pot Limit poker games, with a few exceptions: Pot Limit Omaha The minimum bet in Pot Limit Omaha is the same as the size of the big blind, but players can always bet up to the size of the pot.
Omaha Game Rules
- The best five-card poker hand wins the pot. The combinations and their ranking are the same as in Texas Hold’em. Omaha High/Low Rules. Omaha High/Low rules are very similar to the rules of regular Omaha with only one exception: a pot is split equally between the best High and the best Low hands.
- Omaha Hi - Just as it sounds, in this version, the highest five card hand takes the pot; Fixed Limit - In this version, a pot can only be raised a maximum of four times and the bet or raise must be equal to the size of the blinds. Not a lot of folding takes place in this version, as it is relatively inexpensive to stay in the game.
Omaha can be played with as little as two players, up to a max of ten players. It is played with 52 card deck without joker. Each player receives 4 (four) cards, face down. These cards are known as pocket cards. Then, dealer hands out five community cards face up. The players can make combinations using only two of their four pocket cards and three of five common cards on the table. The best five-card poker hand wins the pot. The combinations and their ranking are the same as in Texas Hold’em.
Omaha High/Low Rules
Omaha High/Low rules are very similar to the rules of regular Omaha with only one exception: a pot is split equally between the best High and the best Low hands. A player is considered a winner if he has the best High hand. However, a player having the best low hand consisting of 5 cards of different values ranked 8 or lower can win half a pot.

The player play can make their combinations using only two of their four pocket cards and three of five common cards on the table.
If only one player has the best low hand, a pot will be split between him and a player with the best high hand. If there are several players with low hand, a winner is determined by the high card of the combination which is lowest card in this case (then, the second high card, etc). If there are several players with equal low hands, their pot share is split between them evenly.
A player may play high and low hands simultaneously using two of his pocket cards and three of the common cards on the table. The best low hand consists of five, four, three, two and ace of any suits. The same ace may simultaneously be a part of high hand and low hand.
Game Types
Limit poker
In Limit poker Bet as well as Raise is agreed in advance. For example, in a 1/2 Limit game, both Bet and Bet Raise must be equal to 1. Not more or less. In last two rounds Bet and Raise must be equal to 2.
Pot Limit
In a play with Pot Limit the maximum value of Bet or Raise shouldn’t exceed the current total amount in the pot.
For example: if the total amount in the pot in the middle of the table is 10 the first player to act in the betting round bets 10, the second player could bet a total of 30 - 10 for his portion of the call and raise by 20, the total amount of money in the pot when the action got to him, including his call. There is no cap to the number of raises in Pot-Limit poker games.
No Limit
In No Limit game there is any bet limit.
Every player makes any bet in any betting round. Minimum bet is equal to Big Blind.
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules And Regulations
Game Stages
The game is divided into four rounds of betting. Initial pot is forming by Blind Bet. The first player who takes place at the table becomes a dealer. The game starts from the position next to the dealer button, a round disk marks would be the dealer.
If players take place at the table simultaneously, on tournaments for example, each player receives straight one card face up. In this case the deal begins from the player to the left of the virtual dealer, and that player who receives the card of maximum value first, becomes a dealer. A dealer button moves clockwise from player to player with each round.
Before a game starts, the two players to the left of the dealer make Blind Bets, so-called because they are made before the players have seen any cards. This is called 'posting the blinds'. The Blinds ensure that there is some money in the pot to play for at the very start of the game.
The player to the left of the dealer posts the Small Blind. The second player to the left of the dealer posts the Big Blind which is equal to the double Small Blind.
If player does not have enough chips to make Blind Bet, he stakes everything he has at once. Please see All-In.
If there are only two players in the game, Small Blind and Big Blind are posting also. In that case dealer posts Big Blind.
After that the first round begins.
Every player receives two cards back up. Each player can see his cards only. The player to the left of the player who posted Big Blind begins a round of betting. This player can:
- Call - match the amount bet in the big blind,
- Raise - increase the amount bet, or
- Fold - surrender his cards and stake in the game.
The same action can make each player when it is their turn to bet. When the betting returns to the player who made Big Blind, that player can not to increase the bet – Check – if it is equal to Big Blind (in case if no one player doesn’t Raise). However, if an opponent has raised, Big Blind has three options: he must call, raise or fold.
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Regulations
When all bets get equal, the initial pot is formed and the game turns to the next round (Flop).
In this round dealer is facing up three of Community Cards, which players can use to make their five-card hand. These cards are called 'Flop'. Player who makes Small Blind begins the betting round. If he flop the cards, the betting round begins from the first player to the left of him who does not flop the cards. When all bets get equal, the game goes to the next round (Turn).
A fourth Community Card is dealt face up on the table. The third round of betting begins.
The fifth and final Community Card is dealt, and the final betting round is beginning.

When all bets get equal, it is time to show the cards.
The last player to bet or raise during the final betting round shows his cards first.
If during the last betting round all the remaining players are checking (nobody betting), the first player to the left from dealer who did not discard is to show his cards first.
The other players reveal their cards moving clockwise around the table. If player’s current hand is weaker than winning hand shown, he has the option to show or muck his cards.
In Omaha:
The best five-card hand takes the pot.
In Omaha High/Low:
A pot is split between best high hand and best low hand evenly. If no player has low hand, the entire pot goes to the player with High hand.
If two players share an identical hand, the pot is split.

Each player may claim the pot in forming of which he took part. Please see All-In.
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Poker
Missed Blinds Policy
To prevent players from entering games in a late position to avoid placing blinds, you will have to post an initial fee, equal to Big Blind, or you can sit out and wait until Big Blind reaches your position.
Player can choose to:
- post Big Blind, or
- wait for Big Blind.
- Fold - surrender his cards and stake in the game.
If the player chooses to wait for Big Blind he will be sitting out and won’t be able to join the action until Big Blind comes around to his position.
If the player were at the table and then sat out for a while and missed his Big Blind, he will also have to miss Small Blind and the dealer’s button. If you missed the small and big blind, you will be required to post an amount equal to the big blind plus a ‘dead’ bet equal to the small blind.
If the player finishes his chips he may not to fold the cards. The player can go All-In and bet all his chips. In this case the pot is divided into the Main pot and the Side pot. All the next bets are included to the Side pot. If the player which goes All-In did not win, the winner receives all chips (both the Main and Side pots). If the player who goes All-In wins, he receives the Main pot, but the Side pot is passed to the player having the second highest ranking Poker hand. If several players go All-In, the several Side pots can be created. If the player who accepted all All-In bets does not go All-In by himself, but appears to have the highest ranking hand when cards were revealed, he takes the Main pot as well as the all Side pots. If the highest ranking hand has the player who went All-In, he takes the pot or all pots which were created until he went All-In. Every All-In player having highest ranking hand can take only the pot (or pots) in forming of which he took part.
How Pot Limit Omaha Poker is Different from Texas Holdem Poker?
How to play Pot Limit Omaha Poker?
The Dealer and the Blinds
Dealing the Cards again
Pre-Flop Round
This is followed by another round starting from the player sitting to the left of the Dealer. All players have an option to check, call or raise.
River and Showdown
After one more round, all remaining players go into the Showdown to determine who has the best combination of cards. This combination is seen from three Community Cards and two of the four Hole Cards.
How is the winner determined in Pot Limit Omaha?
• The players are allowed to use only and exactly two hole cards and three Community Cards, to make their best hand possible. This also forms the basis to be the winner.
• In case of a deadlock with regards to common weak cards with all the players, then the winner is decided on the basis of the highest valued single card.
• All participants must use two cards of their own. In case they all have a straight board, they will complete it with their two cards and to emerge as the winner.
• The relevancy and priority of cards are irrelevant to the strength of a hand.
Basic Omaha Poker Strategy
• It's all about your starting hand range - Pot-Limit Omaha has a separate set of starting hands you should be paying heed to. Considering a player is dealt four cards, they are tempted to play more often falling into the trap of any four cards are great Omaha Poker hands to play.
• Your golden pair of aces aren’t as golden in Pot Limit Omaha. A pair of aces might be a strong Omaha poker hand preflop, but unless they improve, you’re surely beat in a multi-way pot.
• Keep the poker bluffing for texas holdem poker. A Pot-Limit Omaha game witnesses lesser bluffs because a sign of strength in the wagering rounds is likely to be a strong hand.
• Draw for the nuts. When you find yourself investing large amounts into a pot with a drawing hand, it is advisable to do so with Omaha poker hands that are drawing to the nuts.
Every out gives you an approximate 4% chance of hitting on the turn and river combined. For example, five outs give you about a 20% chance of improving. Six outs = 24% and so on.
Specific Draws | Outs |
Flush draw with two overcards or a straight flush draw | 15 Outs |
Flush draw with one overcard | 12 Outs |
Flush draw | 9 Outs |
Open-ended straight draw | 8 Outs |
Two overcards | 6 Outs |
Gut-shot straight draw | 4 Outs |
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Today
Basic Pre-Flop Strategy for Pot-Limit Omaha Poker
1. How aggressive are the players? The tighter the table, the looser the starting hand and vice versa.
2. How many players are seated at your table? Play tighter at a full table and looser at a short-handed table.
3. How many players have folded or how many are in the hand when it’s your turn to act? Generally, you should be ¾.
4. What is your current position on the table? Play tighter from an early position and add to your Omaha poker hand range as your position moves along the table.
5. If the pot has been raised by a player, from which player and what position are they in? If many players are in the pot ahead of you you'll only want to enter the hand with multiple card combinations that have nut draw potential. Draw for the nuts or fold.
Pot-Limit Omaha Starting Hands

Following suit in the best Omaha poker starting hands are Double-suited hands with high-value connectors and pairs. Here are a few to keep your eye out for:
• A♠ A♥ J♥ T♠
• K♠ Q♣ J♠ T♣
• Q♥ Q♠ J♥ T♠
• A♦ A♠ 7♠ 6♦
These are Pot Limit Omaha starting hands that promise high potential to hold a straight, flush and set.
Trap Hands to avoid in Pot-Limit Omaha

• A Small Pair - Imagine you’ve been dealt 6♥ 6♣ 4♦ 3♣. We suggest not playing the hand, but if you are, it’s a set or full house you're hoping for. Let’s say the flop lands Q♦ J♣ 6♦, not a great one for you in Omaha poker, but the idea of the set holding good thanks to texas Holdem odds sets you up for a clear losing hand here. You are often outrun by a higher set in Pot Limit Omaha, flopping the set is possibly the biggest red flag for you to fold.
• Low Wrap Hands - By playing low Omaha poker sequences like 5♠ 4♣ 3♠ 2♣, you know well enough that you could be on the sucker end of this straight. Texas Holdem Poker should have already taught you that. The luring flop reveals 6-7-8, you take the bait and it’s likely someone has a 9-10, you draw dead.
• Small Flush Hands - If we haven’t said it enough Pot Limit Omaha is a nut game. You got to have the best, a lower card flush usually means you are losing the pot most often. Work those ace-high flushes for starters and don’t let the small flush hands trap you.
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules List
Which hands should you raise in Pot Limit Omaha Poker?
- The thumb rule to follow for Omaha poker and raising preflop:- Raise only with the top 30 Pot Limit Omaha Starting hand
- Ensure you have at least two to a suit
- Hands with three face cards including a suited Ace
- Running cards (including one-gappers) which are double suited. For example 7 8 T J double-suited or 6 8 9 T double-suited
- Double suited premium pairs
1 | AA-KK | double-suited |
2 | AA-J-T | double-suited |
3 | AA-QQ | double-suited |
4 | AA-JJ | double-suited |
5 | AA-TT | double-suited |
6 | AA-9-9 | double-suited |
7 | AA-x-x | double-suited |
8 | J-T-9-8 | double-suited |
9 | KK-QQ | double-suited |
10 | KK-JJ | double-suited |
11 | K-Q-J-T | double-suited |
12 | KK-TT | double-suited |
13 | KK-A-Q | double-suited |
14 | KK-A-J | double-suited |
15 | KK-A-T | double-suited |
16 | KK-Q-J | double-suited |
17 | KK-Q-T | double-suited |
18 | KK-J-T | double-suited |
19 | QQ-JJ | double-suited |
20 | QQ-TT | double-suited |
21 | QQ-A-K | double-suited |
22 | QQ-A-J | double-suited |
23 | QQ-A-T | double-suited |
24 | QQ-K-J | double-suited |
25 | QQ-K-T | double-suited |
26 | QQ-J-T | double-suited |
27 | QQ-J-9 | double-suited |
28 | QQ-9-9 | double-suited |
29 | JJ-TT | double-suited |
30 | JJ-T-9 | double-suited |
Which hands to limp in pot limit Omaha?
• All running cards (without gappers), 5 or higher
• Hands with a suited Ace and straight possibilities
• Running cards with one gapper between the second and third card
The above are just guidelines and need to be applied keeping in mind your Omaha poker table dynamics. Keep in mind your table image, your opponents’ skill level, your skill level before making your decision.
Pot Limit Omaha Poker Rules Against
5 Card PLO